Lots going on in the music world the past couple of days and little more I can contribute beyond throwing some links out there:
- My Fair Copyright for Canada Principles (Michael Geist) - Canadian Copyright activist spells out what he would like to see in Canada's new copyright laws. Excellent read.
- No iPod tax for Canada (George) - blogger with a good breakdown as to why the iPod tax being scrapped (good thing) had lead to a bit of a limbo for copying music (very very bad thing).
- Reformed Copyright Laws Shouldn't Suppress Creativity (Vancouver Sun) - Great great great column on the American DMCA is holding up technology by restricting use of devices, and how close Canada is to joining the US on that slippery slope.
- Canadian Copyright (The Talking Shop) - an excellent breakdown as to why the Songwriter's Association of Canada's copyright plan isn't the answer either.
- EMI Cutting Jobs and Artists (Charley Rogulewski) - some of the specific numbers in EMI's cutbacks, and a link to EMI's current roster so you can try to guess which act will drop next! (Bonus points for guessing who initiates the split -- the musical act or EMI)
- Rolling Stones Plan Universal Music Release, Potentially More (Digital Music News) - not exactly breaking news on its own, but tacked onto the list of top artists leaving EMI, it certainly adds to the speculation.
- HMV Recovery Boosted by Xmas (Press Association) - Great news! I imagine this doesn't include their North American stores, but HMV has done some amazing work with their UK retail locations. Glad to see it's paying off.
- Music World Braces for a Low-Wattage Grammy Night (New York Times) - The Grammys haven't been relevant for years, but the industry could have used a big Grammy night boost.
- Recording Industry Should Brace For More Bad News (Cnet.com) - Another excellent read on the state of the music biz, specifically looking at the various top-notch artists bolting from the major labels. Also gives a good explanation of what the "360 deal" is.
- Music Industry Press Release, RIP (Globe and Mail) - Columnist take some easy shots at the music biz (fish... barrel), but does make a great point: With all the new ways of marketing online, why is Virgin sending press releases about new releases?
- RIAA Makes Third Sweep at UT (Knoxville News Sentinel) - Meanwhile, it's business as usual for the RIAA.
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