Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Universal continues to miss the big picture

Universal is requiring all its artists to replace full-length songs on MySpace with 90-second snippets.

More from Wired.Com - Universal Barring Artists from Posting Full Songs on MySpace.

I'm wondering why everyone is surprised, particularly after Universal CEO Doug Morris talked to last week. He made it quite clear the music-lovin' public is nuthin' but a bunch of thieving scum-bags while the labels are fighting to uphold the moral right.

I'm surprised they're not lobbying to remove computers from schools -- prevent kids from even learning how to use dat dar interweb and the music industry's problems are solved -- as long as they keep downloading ringtones. Anything to keep the current distrubtion model intact. Hey, if people are pissed off by the label's tactics, then they weren't real music fans in the first place, right?


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